Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Wow! What a year! Our little Kylee is 7 months old now & is crawling all over. She loves to get into everything and is a very curious little gal! She LOVES her tongue! It is always hanging out. She is very loud screamer, but is always happy. {Well, she does have some moments!} We love her so much! She is truly a blessing in our lives.

Gavin has been super busy with his many hobbies this year. He loves to go shed antler hunting all year long it seems like! He also loves to golf all summer. His new hobby is bowling. He has been in a few leagues this last year & loved it! He is getting pretty good & even wins money occasionally! The newest adventure has been his new calling... Executive Secretary in the Bishopric! {I think he might have to give up a night of bowling for it!} He also loves being a dad & being the 'entertaining' parent.

As for me, I am trying to juggle being a full time mom, full time wife & a full time {+} business owner. It has been a challenge, but I am very grateful to be at home with my baby. I do need to find me a few hobbies in my spare time though. {Besides facebook & blog-stalking!} I love my job! I love designing fun things for people and I am thankful that it can provide an income too!

We hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas & a Fabulous New Year!!

Love, The Wellings

Monday, September 27, 2010

Kylee's Favorite Things...

Eating her fingers... screeching... and rolling over!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kylee's Announcement

Monday, June 14, 2010

Kylee Anne

Kylee Anne was born on Saturday, May 22nd 2010 at 4:12 pm. She was 7 lb 6 oz and 20 in long.

The story...
Thursday night I had a massive headache... it was still there on Friday morning. So at noon I finally went to the doctor to see if I was ok because we were watching my blood pressure because of preclampsia. I really was planning on going to Salt Lake with my mom, but that never happened. Instead I was sent home to get my stuff & to at the hospital in an hour. So I drove myself to the hospital & Gavin met my there from work.

I was induced on Friday at 2:30 pm. I basically "hung out" all evening. I finally started having contractions around 10:00 pm. So they gave me some pain meds & sleeping pills and put me to bed. My doctor came in at 4:00 am and said I was only a 2 & broke my water. By 8:00 am I was a 4 and in pain! I had to wait an hour for my epidural because they were so busy. {That was the worst part!} at 12:30, I was a 10! The had me wait an hour to start pushing.... but it was really almost 2 hours. I started pushing at 2:00 & Kylee arrived at 4:12 pm. I pretty much zoned out for a lot of it & could not tell you much of the details. The cord was wrapped around her neck twice & she was posterior {face up instead of face down}.

Grandma & Grandpa Munns were out in the hall waiting for her arrival & were the first visitors to great her. After we were moved up to the Mother/Baby unit, Jamie & Tyson came to visit as well as Grandma & Grandpa Welling & Great-Grandma Welling.

We spent all day Sunday in the hospital, with visits from Uncle Brady & Aunt Erika, Uncle Casey, Uncle Ryan, & Uncle Jordan and Grandma & Grandpa Munns. We were released on Monday and sent home!

When she was 4 days old, Kylee had high biliruben levels. She was put in a bilibed with the bright blue lights to treat her jaundice.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Baby Update

May is here!! Yeah! We are getting excited for our new little arrival. I am currently 36 1/2 weeks along... due on May 26th. So the countdown is coming to an end. My pregnancy has been going really well! I cannot complain. I am just starting to 'feel' pregnant. Other than some occasional swollen feet, few aches & pains, I have been in good health. I am not very big yet... I have only gained about 15 pounds so far :) {Which I could have easily done over the holidays if I wasn't pregnant} The doctor believes we will go right up to my due date because there is not a reason to come early.

Names you may ask??? Well... that is a problem. {Gavin is still holding out hope for a little boy... so NO girl's names sound good to him} We are working on it & hopefully she has one before she comes home from the hospital. It might take a few days to fight that one out! :)

We have almost got the nursery ready... We have also had 2 baby showers & were very blessed with great friends & family who filled this little gals closet with lots of clothes & needed items. Here are some fun pics of the much appreciated items!

Yes... all those bins are FULL of fun, girly stuff :)

These quilts were crafted with much love from Grandma Welling & Aunt Jamie... I did buy matching material for the green & pink crib quilt to make a bed skirt, window valance & crib bumpers... so hopefully I can find time to get those done!!! It will all look so cute!!!

This is the crocheted blessing dress from Great-Grandma Winkler... I love it! {One of the exciting things about having a girl... I love grandma's dresses!}

This little woman will be very well dressed!!! Summer clothes are so super cute & everyone else must have thought so too, because her closet is full! Oh... and she will have LOTS of cute hair accessories! {Hopefully the occasional heartburn I am having = lots of hair like I had}

Lots of nicely crocheted receiving blankets...

The super-cute diaper cake!! It has lots of fun stuff tucked into it! I am also really excited to use my new 3-in-1 Swing, Bouncer & Toddler Rocker. {The rocker is only put together so far.} I love, love the idea of having 1 item be used for all & last a lot longer than just a swing!

So I think we are a lot closer to being ready for our little one! I hope work slows down a little for me when she arrives. I have been super-busy doing wedding invitations lately. But I am very blessed that I have been able to work from home the last year. I really do enjoy working for myself and hopefully it can continue a lot longer while I am raising some little ones!